The 18 Essential Tools To Take Care of Most Simple DIY Tasks

“Fixing things” is so often seen as a “man’s job”. Because of this I often hear stories of women paying silly amounts of money for tasks I know they could easily do themselves. Most DIY maintenance tasks have very little to do with brute strength. All you need is a little practical knowledge and you can save a lot of money.

Well, a little bit of practical knowledge is notĀ allĀ you need. You also need the right tools.

This is another reason many people I talk to are turned off fixing their own problems. They feel like the investment is too great, but a surprisingly low number of tools can cope with a huge range of maintenance and repair task around the home. Getting good tools is half the battle. Once you have everything you need at hand, you just have to Google problems as they occur and you will often find you have all the right equipment to deal with the task at hand.

18 Essential Tools for Home Maintenance

  1. A Toolbox
  2. Screwdrivers
  3. Filling knives
  4. Saw
  5. Hacksaw
  6. Hammers and nail punch
  7. Knife
  8. Pliers
  9. Pincers
  10. Spirit level
  11. Tape measure
  12. Drill
  13. Drill bits
  14. Cartidge gun
  15. Hand Staple gun
  16. Adjustable spanner
  17. Vice grip pliers


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